Plush Tea Set {Anthro Inspired DIY}

I love the blog and website Sew, Mama, Sew, and this month, they are hosting a “True Love” contest. The challenge was to create a tutorial for decor for a love themed event (wedding, Valentine’s day, etc) or for a gift for someone we love. I bent the rule slightly as I haven’t yet met the person this gift is for.

My husband and I are waiting for the placement of a child to adopt, and while I am waiting, I can’t sew clothes or diapers as I don’t know how old our child will be when they come home. But, I can prepare by making blankets and toys. I saw and fell in love with this $98 tea set at Anthropologie:

But, I knew that there was no way I could justify spending $98. So, I came up with my own version and I’ll show you how to make it too!

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 yard of cotton fabric as the main pattern (You’ll probably use less than that but it’s always better to not run out part way through and have some extra in case you make a mistake- like I did!)

Scraps of a coordinating fabric for the accents (If you’re going to buy any, a fat quarter should be enough)

1 yard craft weight fusible interfacing (medium-heavy weight stiffness)

A little bit of felt (for the coffee or cocoa in the mugs)


Your pattern pieces:

Tea Set Pattern

Tea Set Pattern page 2

Tea Set Pattern page 3

**Note: I also used a little bit of white fabric inside the teapot but again, some scraps or your coordinating fabric should be fine**

Let’s start with the mugs.

1. First, we’re going to cut out all the pieces that you’re going to need. (For clarity, I’ll walk you through how to do 1 mug- then you’ll just repeat all these steps to make as many as you want!)

*For the handle: cut a rectangle out of your main fabric that is 2″ wide by 4 1/2″ long. Cut and iron interfacing to the wrong side.

*For the cup: cut a rectangle out of your interfacing that is 8.5″ long by 4″ wide. Cut one from your main fabric and iron the interfacing to the back.

*For the bottom of the cup & “coffee”: Cut a circle (pattern piece A) from your interfacing, iron to the wrong side of your fabric and cut it out. Also cut a circle from your felt.

*For the contrasting rim: Cut a rectangle 2″ wide by 8.5″ long out of your contrasting fabric. (You do not need to interface this one)

Now that everything is cut out and interfaced, let’s start sewing!

2. Fold the handle rectangle in half lengthwise with right sides together. Sew down the long edge with a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Turn the tube right side out, press and fill with stuffing- leaving that last 1/2″ on each end empty.

3. Now, take the main cup rectangle and align the two short ends with right sides together. Curve the handle and pin the ends in between the 2 layers. Make sure that the top and bottom of the handle are about 1/2 inch away from the top and bottom of the cup.

Sew a 1/4″ seam down the short end, making sure to catch the ends of the handle.

Step 4: Before you turn the cup right side out, you’re going to sew the bottom on. This part is a little tricky but with some finagling, you can do it!

Take the circle that is going to be the bottom of your cup and with right sides together, align the edge of the circle with edge of the cup. I didn’t pin as I thought it was easier to sew slowly and maneuver the circle as I sewed around the edge. I would recommend starting an inch or so to one side of the mug’s side seam so that when you near the end of the circle, you can take in or let out the seam a little to fine tune the fit if you need to.

After you sew all the way around, this is what you should have:

Step 5: Turn the cup right side out and fill firmly with stuffing til about 1/2″ from the top.

Step 6: Take the rectangle of your contrasting fabric and, using a 1/4″ seam allowance, sew into a circle.

Step 7: Now you’re going to sew the rim fabric around the felt circle. (Like how you sewed the bottom of the mug to the cup)

Once you’re all the way around, you should have something that looks like this:

Step 8: Set the felt down into the mug, on top of the stuffing, about 1/4″ down into the cup. Then fold the raw edge of the rim fabric down to meet the top raw edge of the mug.

Step 9: Fold the rim fabric over once more, concealing the raw edge of the top of the mug and of the rim fabric.

Step 10: Pin the rim fabric down all the way around the mug.

Step 11: This is the last step! Hand sew through all layers to secure the rim fabric to the top of the mug.

That’s it! Repeat for as many mugs as you want to make.

Now, let’s work on the saucers- they’re a lot quicker than the mugs.

Step 1: Again, we’re going to cut out all the pieces that you need for one saucer.

*For the center of the saucer: Cut one circle (pattern piece E) from the interfacing and iron to the back of your main fabric. Then cut out the circle of fabric.

*For the rim of the saucer: Cut out pattern piece D from the interfacing and iron to the back of your contrast fabric and again, cut it out.

*For the back of the saucer: Cut out one circle (pattern piece C) from the interfacing and iron to the back of your contrast fabric and cut out.

Step 2: Sew the outer rim circle closed with a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Step 3: Sew the middle circle to the inside circle of the rim.

Step 4: Now, take the back of the saucer and place right sides together with the front of the saucer. Sew a 1/4″ seam allowance around the edge, leaving a 2-3″ hole to turn it right side out. Clip the seam allowances so that the circle will lay flat when turned right side out.

Step 5: Turn right side out and press.

Step 6: Top stitch 1/8″ from the edge of the circle to close the hole. Stitch in the ditch between the center of the saucer and the rim too- it will help the saucer lay flat nicely.

I’ll post the teapot tutorial tomorrow as this is already quite lengthy.

Hope you’re having fun so far!

*Updated: Click HERE for Part 2!


**Note: This is the first pattern that I’ve ever made so if you have any problems while trying to make it, please let me know! I want to keep improving and your feedback would be very helpful. Thanks!**

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9 Comments on “Plush Tea Set {Anthro Inspired DIY}”

  1. February 23, 2012 at 11:29 am #

    When I first saw the title and picture, I thought the bleu tea set was the one from Anthro. Nice job Elise! I’m impressed with the pattern and am anxious to try it. II’ve purchased patterns that weren’t as nice as this one! Of course, I’ll want it sized for a doll at some point, but that’ll wait.

  2. February 23, 2012 at 1:55 pm #

    Thanks! You’ll have to let me know how it works for you and help me improve it. 🙂

  3. February 26, 2012 at 3:02 am #

    These are beautiful, and such a great knockoff!

  4. Pam Moldenhauer
    March 2, 2012 at 2:13 pm #

    Elise, Such beautiful work. I am happy to vote for you.

  5. March 2, 2012 at 7:43 pm #

    How cute! These are such GOOD instructions!!


  1. Plush Tea Set {Anthro Inspired DIY Part 2} | Fleur d'Elise - February 23, 2012

    […] Yesterday, I showed you how to make the coffee mugs and saucers for this plush tea set: (Find Part 1 here!) […]

  2. 1st Giveaway Day! | Fleur d'Elise - March 2, 2012

    […] more thing that I’m excited about… I entered my Anthro Inspired Plush Tea Set tutorial in a sewing contest at Sew, Mama, Sew!  And today, I was named a finalist in the contest! The […]

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